Tuesday, June 14, 2011

In Corey’s Defense KK Doesn’t Really Articulate Her Words

Last week KK and Hannah went to VBS with their friends Kate and Will. I love that we have developed such a great friendship with their parents Susan and Derrick who we met through little league (Will and Jon are on the same Little League team and Corey and Derrick coach together). It was a great VBS program and both the kids had a wonderful time. Jon was at baseball camp so he wasn’t able to go, but the girls couldn’t get enough of it.
They came home singing songs and telling stories of how much fun they were having. There is something to be said about that, folks! It really warms my heart.
Anyhow, I went to the program on the last day of VBS, I got to hear all the little songs they sang plus I got hear them every day when I picked them up. Unfortunately my husband wasn’t privy to the songs or their lyrics. That coupled with the fact that KK does garble her words a bit just about gave him a heart attack when he heard her singing the “funky chicken” song:

He thought she was dropping the f-bomb all over the place.
Really, Corey? Just what kind of VBS did you think we were sending the kids to?