Holy smokes, I gotta stop getting on the computer after taking Ambien!
Ok, so last night apparently I took my night time meds, then decided it was good time to catch up on my blog, only I couldn't log into my blog. So I guess I created a new one. Ugh.
So, don't bother with that one.
So embarrassing.
This is basically what I wrote just to catch you up:
Okay, so I have been trying to pinch pennies here and there, every little bit helps. So I am still using my "homemade" laundry detergent. I am very pleased with it, I am still on my first batch and can probably make another 2 batches from the supplies I bought. It smells great and cleans great. My supplies cost me:
Large box Purex: $4.99
Large box Borax: 3.99
Large box Arm and Hammer Baking Soda: 2.99
Large container Purex Crystals 4.99 (this is optional but I love they way they smell)
Total cost (rounded up):$14
I have used this for a month now and am still on the first batch. I only use about a tablespoon per load (yes, I have a He washer).
I do several loads a day since there are 5 of us in this house.
I have also made "homemade dish detergent" with the borax and it works great. (with borax, washing soda, and salt)
Before I was spending at least $30 to $40 a month on Tide or Cheer and Downy. Now I am spending $14 for those supplies that will last me about 3 months- that equals out to 4.67 a month.
I can tell you this is making a huge difference at our house. I have also switched to using a multipurpose cleaner using a dawn/vinegar mixture.
These simple cleaners can be used for cleaning floors as well: some dawn, baking soda, mix well, then drop in a little bit of vinegar to get a reaction with the soda. Mix well with mop and clean.
Try these things if you are trying to find new ways to help pinch pennies that won't put a damper on your lifestyle and get pack to me, let me know how they work for you!