Little stories about me, my kids, my family. Lots of laughs and loads of sarcasm sprinkled throughout. This is my life; I hope you can laugh at it as much as I do!
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
I have a comedian on my hands.
After I picked the kids up from school yesterday we had to run some errands. Loads of fun. I always kick myself and swear I am NEV-UH (said with a heavy southern drawl) dragging them along with me again. But then my A.D.D. kicks in and .... oh look, something shiny! *Gasp* And look at that lady walking that itty, bitty dog!
So there we were at TJMaxx, all three kids, ...... and can I just interject something here - there is something about that store that puts that crazy in my kids. I'm not sure what it is. Maybe it's the sheer plethora of items they have, it's not like other stores. You never know what you'll find. It's like a treasure hunt.
We had found some good stuff on this trip, and The Boy was already in a particularly good mood anyway. We got to the checkout and the kiddos sat down on the little bench there at the front while the cashier rang up our finds.
Cashier: You have a beautiful family.
Me: Thank you ve- (I didn't get to finish because The Boy interrupts)
The Boy: We're nothing but trouble!
Cashier: *giggles* He's so cute.
Me: Yea, you have no idea.
She continues ringing us up as The Boy strolls over.
The Boy: Look, I'm not going to blame you that you didn't recognize us..... (leans in close and whispers) We're in disguise!
Kill me now! After that she just eyed us suspiciously, like she was wondering "Are they celebrities, or mass murderers?"
I really like TJMaxx, it's a shame I can't go back there.