I have lived in many places, being military we moved around a lot. From the summer of 2009 until the summer of 2012 our family lived in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. It's a beautiful town, with southern charm, families that extend back generations. We made a lot friends there, and it was a difficult decision to leave Hattiesburg once my husband retired. We had actually considered staying there, raising our family there, something my Texas husband had never considered doing EVER- so that in itself says something about Hattiesburg.
On 10 February 2013 destruction came to that beautiful, small town in Mississippi in the form of a tornado.
I have heard from several friends. All are okay. Some have house damage, some have vehicle damage. All are in shock.
My friend Susan, who lives there wrote on her on Facebook wall (and I hope she doesn't mind me borrowing this) "The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe. Proverbs 18:10
After witnessing this storm pass right outside our window the ********** are very thankful for our strong tower, our shelter from the storm. Prayers for all those who were not so fortunate!"
Susan once told me "Lisa, you alway have great come-backs, you always know what to say. I wish I did." She was talking about me and my sarcastic come-backs and zingers. Yet, I would trade those "zingers" for her gift of soothing words of encouragement any day.
Hattiesburg, I pray for you and everyone that is affected by this storm.